Selasa, 07 Agustus 2012


Climate change issue has been recognized by the scientists since 1960-1970s. After analyzing the potential problem and forcasting its further implications, they began pressing the policy makers to create solutions regarding the issue. The effort is considered a success, because starting in 1972, the world has been working hand-in-hand to contend with this problem, realizing its dangerous threat towards the earth’s civilization. Responding to that point, as a global organization, United Nations has taken the role to lead and organize many conventions to resolve the issue.

However, the conventions held were deemed insufficient to combat the multifaceted matter, The Earth Summit 1992 which took place in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, resulted in the establishment of United Nations Framework of Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as an international treaty, expected to engage all countries in the world into a legally binding commit ment. This special body was formed as the prolonged vision of the previous Declaration of United Nations Conference on Human Environment, 1972. Based on United Nations Charter, UNFCCC exists to encourage countries to not conduct exploitation towards their own resources uncontrolly which brings forth detrimental effects and damages to the environment inside and outside their border. Identifying the possibility of sea-level rise on islands and coastal areas that mostly affects developing countries, UNFCCC gives its main concern to assist these countries in dealing with climate change by compelling the developed countries as the bigger emitters of the world to lend a hand for them. It is all done in the spirit of protecting global climate for the present and future generation.

Having been introduced, UNFCCC has succeeded to incur an annual meeting – Conference of Parties (COP) since 1995. COP facilitates countries to negotiate with each other in order to attain the most effective proposal to mitigate and adapt to climate change with their own interests. Hence, to implement the convention agreed in COP I, UNFCCC considered that a secretariat was needed to be established to run its daily administrations. Finally, UNFCCC established its headquarter in Bonn, Germany in 1996.

As the awareness of the world about the climate change problem was getting higher, the establishment of UNFCCC’s secretariat marked the continuity of the COP for environment issue. In this respect, COP starts to be held annually. To execute the points deliberated in the conventions, the UNFCCC is assisted by its subsidiary bodies, comprising of The Subsidiary Body on Scientific and Technical Advice (SBSTA) and Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI). The two bodies provide the informations needed to create policies that would be adopted in the convention and implemented afterward. Under the COP, two more bodies was also established -- the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties and the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-Term Cooperative Action. These bodies focus on the second commitment of Kyoto Protocol, especially on mitigation and adaption efforts.

UNFCCC is also equipped and supported by other bodies, such as Global Environment Facility (GEF) as a financial mechanism assistance for developing countries, Consultative Group of Experts (CGE), and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as publisher of comprehensive reviews on climate change science every five to six years, as well as other technical reports and papers.

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